Welcome to Our Mobile Multiverse!

Browse on the go! Or Sip and Browse at your leisure! (We prefer the latter, but you do you.) Molly’s Mobile Multiverse is here for you.

Thank you for stopping by today!  You have found the best, easiest-to-use home for new stuff on the Internet.  This site goes wherever you go and is available whenever you want to browse all the new stuff we’ve found. We are constantly adding to, and updating, our site with information, opinions and details about new stuff online all the time.  Our goal is to be your Mobile Multiverse for new stuff available online.

Why?  Because life is busy enough, without having to schedule trips or spend hours browsing multiple sites on the internet to find new stuff. So, we do the legwork for you. We find things, we test them, we add them, and we share them, all right here on our Mobile Multiverse.  This site is your “insider source” for new stuff that can make a difference in your life, whether it’s basic needs, luxury items or entertainment (something we all could use more of). We even have reviews and tips for working online, if you’re looking for a way to infuse some extra cash into your life.

You can also visit our YouTube channel for our latest videos.

Who Is Molly?

Welcome to Molly's Mobile Multiverse -  image of Baby Molly
Baby Molly

Hi! My name is Beth, and I founded Molly’s Mobile Multiverse. But why call it Molly’s if my name is Beth? Well, first, I love the alliteration. Second, my site is named for a really cool cat: Molly O’Malley. Third, Molly O’Malley’s initials spell MOM, which is my favorite, most rewarding, and most important privilege. The original Molly has long ago passed, but there’s a new little Miss Molly O’Malley with us now… See photo to the left. She has her own page, where we’ll be sharing her kitty antics and those of her feline, canine and human friends. Follow Good Golly Miss Molly O’Malley to put a smile on your face!

In the meantime, browse our various Categories on the Left to find items and services that can enhance your life. Our new finds are growing and changing all the time. And it’s all right here for you, our valued, longtime friends and new visitors.

Molly’s Mobile Multiverse Kitchen and Cooking Hacks

So, a little about me…I LOVE to cook. I love to get fancy and go all gourmet from time to time. But most of the time, I’m just trying to put a good (non-fast-food) meal in front of my family every day… Within the timeframe I have between picking up kids from school/afterschool activities and bath time/bed time… And without draining the bank account.

That’s difficult sometimes… Many times. But I’ve learned a few hacks that make it easier to feed my family good, homecooked meals every day of the week. So, if you’re looking for simple ways to do the same, check out Molly’s Kitchen and Cooking Hacks, here.

Favorite Finds from Molly’s Mobile Multiverse:

My Super-Power

My super-power is the ability to explain complicated or high-level concepts using simple terms and analogies that anyone can understand and relate to. So, from time to time, I’ll write an article or series of articles to break down difficult-to-understand concepts and make them easy-to-understand. My latest is a series on Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain, under Blockchain Innovation.

BRAND NEW: BioHacking for Health, Weight Loss, and Better Sleep

This could not have launched at a better time. Did you know sleep quality can affect your weight? It does. See, sleep allows your body to reset. It resets your mind and your body to be able to face the coming day, with renewed energy, renewed focus, and a renewed outlook. It also resets all your internal organs. If your sleep patterns are bad, your body cannot function at an optimum level. (See our article on BioHacking for Health under Health and Fitness.)

So far, my FAVORITE of Favorites

I discovered Brān Reimagined in October 2020. It is a brand new Super Nanoceutical nootropic supplement for Brain Health. I simply cannot overstate the positive benefits of this product. It’s an all-natural, non-addictive supplement… which is VERY important to me and my family. And using it has noticeably improved my memory, my mood, my focus, and my mental clarity, all while promoting positive thinking and improving an overall sense of calmness. And, best of all, it does not cause the jitters, result in a crash later in the day, nor does it interfere with a good night’s sleep. In fact, another HUGE benefit is that it actually promotes a good night’s sleep.

And it’s not just working for me! It has helped my entire family, including my ADHD kids. To read my personal story and learn about what may well be the biggest breakthrough in supplements of the century, see our post about Brain Health under Health and Fitness.