All Things BlockChain Innovation Information

Do you understand BlockChain Technology? A little? Not at all? Well, don’t worry. Because, you’re definitely in good company! Most people still have no idea what BlockChain even means… Much less clearly understand how this is quickly becoming the future of technology. But even if you’re not up to speed yet, we’re staying on top of it for you. And it we’ll introduce you to all the latest innovations in BlockChain and Cryptocurrency in our All Things BlockChain Innovation Information section. We will continue to work to find and share the most incredible and promising programs, products and services that work within the BlockChain and Cryptocurrency worlds. And, we’ll help you to increase your knowledge on the subject overall.

Crypto Mining Watch Uses Proof of Sensing: We promise you’ve never seen anything like this before. Its a health-monitoring watch (think FitBit or AppleWatch, but with more functionality and no loss of privacy) with a huge added bonus. It pays you in cryptocurrency to use it. It literally pays you to get healthy! You have to check this out right here!

Decentralized Travel – What does that mean?  Do you remember calling a travel agent… Or the Airline, Hotel and Rental car companies… each separately… just to plan a vacation? And, then, the Internet came along and changed all that. Well, hold onto your hats… Because BlockChain Travel is changing the world of travel again. And, you saw it here first!  Our community was the first to recognize the wonderful opportunity blockchain travel could offer to us all. And we’re sharing it with our online friends as part of our All Things BlockChain Innovation Information, Right here.

All Things BlockChain Innovation Information - Depiction of bitcoin on blockchain background

What is Crypto? How Does It Work? (Learning section of All Things BlockChain Innovation Information) Are you looking for a basic definition of CryptoCurrency? How about an easy-to-understand primer on how it works? Well, we are here to help!  To get up to speed on Crypto, read more here.

What is Crypto Mining? Can Anyone Do It? If you’ve read the above article, you should have a basic understanding of exactly what cryptocurrency is. You may have also heard the term Crypto Mining. So, what does that mean? Well, we have an easy-to-understand article on exactly what this means. Click here to read our article on Mining Crypto.

The blockchain is new to all of us. And the things it can do are absolutely mind-blowing. If your mind is not blown, you probably don’t have a full understanding of the capabilities of the Blockchain. Trust me, it will change the world in the same way the internet changed the world. Stay tuned right here for more info on Cryptocurrencies and many other blockchain revolutions!